
日本劳务派遣法律规制对企业用工决策的影响 被引量:3

The Impact of Worker Dispatch Act on Employment Decisions in Japan
摘要 日本劳务派遣用工的法律规制历经了近三十年的沿革,与之伴随的是劳务派遣业务发展的不同阶段。本文旨在分析日本劳务派遣法律规制对企业用工决策的影响,探究劳务派遣规制与更加灵活雇用方式的关联性。首先,评述日本劳动关系传统模式的特点以及传统模式的衰落;其次,分析日本非正式雇佣的兴起;再次,评析劳务派遣的现状及问题,并回顾日本劳务派遣法律规制的沿革;最后,分析日本企业对法律规制的回应,探究日本企业用工决策的影响因素。本文的结论是,近期日本劳务派遣规制对企业用工决策的影响,并不符合传统智慧。劳务派遣法律规制的加强并没有导致日本企业转而选择正式雇用,或者更加灵活的用工方式。 Japan has witnessed the evolution of legal regulations on dispatched work in three decades, along with the different stages of development of dispatch business. This article aims to analyze the impact of Japanese dispatch regulations on corporate employment decisions and examine the association between the regulations on dispatch work and more flexible employment modes. First, we will review the traditional model of labor relations and its decline in Japan; second, we explore the rise of Japanese nonstandard employment; third, we focus on the status quo and problems of dispatched work and review the evolution of the legal regulations on dispatched work in Japan; Lastly, we examine the corporate response to dispatch regulations,, and explore factors affecting Japan's corporate employment decisions. It is concluded that the impact of recent amendments to Worker Dispatch Act on corporate employment decisions is not in line with the conventional wisdom; the strengthening of the dispatch regulations has not led to a shitl to standard employment or other more flexible employment modes by Japanese companies.
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2014年第13期101-106,112,共7页 Human Resources Development of China
关键词 劳务派遣 日本劳动法 日本劳动关系 企业用工模式 Dispatched Work Japanese Labor Law Japanese Employment Relations Corporate Employment Patterns
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