

The Competitive Interaction of Emotional and Exogenous Attention
摘要 注意选择机制并不是一个单一的系统,而是多个具有不同选择标准和功能的复合系统。情绪性注意与外源性注意这两种注意选择过程是否可以同时作用,它们之间是否会相互干扰,抑或某一种注意过程是否占优势?本研究以30名在校大学生为被试,采用经典点探测任务的变式,对50ms和500ms两种SOA条件下,以愉快面孔和恐惧面孔作为情绪性注意的提示线索,对情绪性注意与外源性注意的相互关系进行探讨。发现两种注意是相互竞争的,都对注意产生效应。在短SOA条件下,恐惧面孔作为情绪性提示的线索时,情绪性注意和外源性注意会发生相互作用。而愉快面孔作为情绪性提示线索时,外源性注意更占主导作用。说明恐惧面孔比愉快面孔更能引发情绪性注意;在SOA为500ms时,情绪性注意和外源性注意均不再产生效应。再次说明,这两种注意是反射性、迅速的、自下而上的。 selection may be guided by low-level stimulus properties, by the emotional value of the stimulus. The current research, by using the modified dotprobe paradigm, investigated the interplay of emotional and exogenous attention at the behavioral level. Exogenous attention was manipulated by transient thickening of the frame in either the LVF or RVF, which was perceived as a bright flash in the periphery on one side. Emotional attention was manipulated by presenting an emotional (fearful) face in one frame and a neutral face in the other frame. We analyzed all response times (RTs, computed from target onset) for correctly detected targets in a repeatedmeasure ANOVA with the factors emotional attention (valid/invalid) × exogenous attention ( valid/invalid) ×emotional expression (fear/happy) × SOA (short/long). The result showed that negative emotional stimuli attracted more attentional resource. We concluded emotional attention and exogenous attention were competing with one another in the short SOA condition and negative emotional cues.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2014年第2期107-114,共8页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
关键词 情绪性注意 外源性注意 点探测任务 emotional attention, exogenous attention, dot probe paradigm
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