

The Construction of the Ontological Category System from the Perspective of Being and Non-being Debate
摘要 在查明存在者的"库存清单"时,本体论必做的一项工作是建构范畴体系。随着认识的发展,本体论还分化出了形式本体论这一分支。它的任务之一就是利用逻辑学成果及方法反观已有的范畴体系建构,探讨建构的方法论。随着非存在研究或有无之辩向纵深推进而出现的一个新的问题是,如果像迈农主义所说的那样,非存在对象也有其特定的"有"的地位,那么在本体论范畴体系的建构中,有无必要给予它们以适当的地位呢?如果有必要,又该如何建构?一个合格的本体论范畴体系应有助于人们从整体上、更清楚明白、更简单地把握世界,同时又不能遗漏主要的存在类别,如不能遗忘非存在,还要能如实反映不同存在在实在性程度上的差别,既不能疏忽低级的存在形式,又不能把没有存在地位的东西硬扯进来。根据这些要求,文章对本体论范畴体系建构提出了一种新的尝试。 The ontological category system has to be constructed before the identification of the “inventory”of the being.With the development of ontology,formal ontology is formed as a branch of it,with the task of reviewing of the existing category system and discussing the construction methodology by use of the results and methods of logic. A novel problem emerges with the furthering of the research on the non-being and debate of being and non-be-ing,i.e.whether it is necessary to give them some position in the construction of ontological category system if the object of non-being has its particular status as a “being”,as Meinongism puts it.If necessary,how to construct it A qualified ontological category system should help people grasp the world as a whole more clearly and easily, and keep the main existing categories at the same time.For example,the non-being should not be forgotten,but accurately reflect the differences between the existences in substantiality;we can neither neglect the elementary form of existence,nor add something without the status of being.According to these requirements,the article pres-ents a new attempt to the construction of the ontological category system .
出处 《常州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第4期12-20,共9页 Journal of Changzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目。(12&ZD120)
关键词 有无之辩 范畴 范畴体系 形式本体论 debate of being and non-being category category system formal ontology
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