目的 探讨PBL教学法在农村基层卫生人才培养实习环节中的应用.方法 将全班学生按第三学期期末考试成绩总评分(最高90分、最低70分),按优(83分~90分)、良(80分~82分)、可(70分~79分)分为三组,每组再随机分为两小组(A组、B组).实验组利用生产实习的部分时间参与PBL法教学尝试活动.对照组仅参加正常生产实习.以五站式出科考核成绩为观察指标.分析实验组和对照组成绩差异是否有统计学意义.同时向实验组学生及带教老师发放调查问卷,收集反馈意见,评估该教学方法推广的可行性.结果 两组学生五站式出科考试成绩显示:实验组中81分~90分37人,占56.92%,91分~100分10人,占15.39%,均高于对照组.但差异无统计学意义(P=0.068).结论 PBL教学方法在农村基层卫生人才培养中的具体实施方案有待改进.
Objective To investigate the application of PBL teaching method in the cultivation practice links of rural grassroots health personnel.Methods To divide the students of the whole class into three groups respectively excellent (score 82 to 90),good (score 79 to 82) and well (score 70 to 79) according to the total score in the final examination of the third term (the highest was 90,the lowest was 70),then each group was divided into two small groups (A group and B group).Students in the experimental group participated in PBL teaching method activities in part time during the production practice,while in the control group only took part in normal production practice.To apply five station examination achievement as observation indexes to analyze whether have statistical significance in the score of students between experimental and control group,and send survey questionnaires to the students and teachers in the experimental group,gather feedback opinions and evaluate the generalization feasibility of this teaching method.Results The score of five station examination in the two groups indicated there were 37 students got score 81 to 90,took a percent of 56.92%,10 students got score 91 to 100,took a percent of 15.39%,both higher than that in the control group,but there was no statistical significance (P=0.068).Conclusion The specific implementation plan of PBL teaching method in the cultivation of rural grassroots health personnel still need to be improved.
Chinese Medical Record
PBL mode
Rural grassroots
Health personnel