

An Analysis of Library Service Strategy on Data and Knowledge Mining Technology
摘要 随着移动互联网、物联网的快速发展,我们面对的海量信息正以几何级快速增长。数据挖掘技术建立在关系型数据库上,通过大量的数据访问、分析、统计找出隐藏在数据中的规律从而建立决策模型。介绍如何利用数据挖掘技术,导出对读者、用户有用的关键信息,帮助他们做出决策和战略规划,改善和提高图书馆的服务质量。为了更好的说明这种数据分析方法的概念与过程,文章通过一个专业图书馆的详细数据资源的实际案例分析,一步一步地获得了数据内在关联的互动信息与影响图书馆管理、战略规划的因素指标。描述了图书馆如何通过数据的分析,导出对决策者提升管理质量的有用信息的数据与知识挖掘过程。可以通过其它更大量的数据分析,进一步定义一些关于服务质量提升的新指标。在当今信息飞速发展时代,图书馆馆员与管理者应当利用新的技术充分分析图书馆数据,才能达到提升服务的目标。 With the rapid development of Internet and the Internet of things , the vast amount of information that we are forced to process is skyrocketing .Based upon the relational database , data mining techniques try to identify invisible pat-terns in data and use programs to model these patterns through visiting and statistically analyzing a large amount of data . This paper aims to introduce data mining techniques for collecting key information useful to readers and users , which not only can facilitate their decision-making and strategy-planning but also improve the quality of Library service .Methodolo-gies based on knowledge and data mining are used to analyze the real data in one specific case study in order to describe the concept better .The results obtained concern the extraction of information about the inter-relations of data and the definition of factors that can be used in library management and strategic planning .The scope of the paper is to show how data coming from libraries can be analyzed to give useful results for decision-makers, in order to improve the services they offer .The re-search reported in this paper can be extended to define other new indicators regarding the quality of services offered to li -braries by using a greater amount of data for analysis .The new thinking in the paper is in the way librarians and decision-makers in libraries have to use data .The paper shows a way of choosing data that will be able to produce useful conclusions after a well-described analysis .The paper will be useful for librarians and library managers who want to plan strategies for improving the services they offer .
作者 张艳
出处 《技术与创新管理》 2014年第4期397-400,408,共5页 Technology and Innovation Management
关键词 数据和知识挖掘 战略规划 质量指标 图书馆服务 data and knowledge mining strategy planning Indicators of quality Library service
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