
化学性嗅觉障碍模型中嗅觉诱发电位的研究 被引量:2

Electrically stimulated olfactory evoked potentials in rats with chemical induced olfactory dysfunction
摘要 目的建立化学性嗅觉功能障碍的大鼠动物模型,观察电刺激嗅觉诱发电位(olfactory evoked potentials,OEPs)的特点及变化规律。方法腹腔注射300 mg/kg 3-甲基吲哚对SD大鼠造成嗅上皮的损伤,动态观察给药后不同时间点(1 h、3~6 h和24 h)的OEPs变化。结果电刺激嗅黏膜时在嗅球附近可记录到"负-正-负(N1-P1-N2)"的三相波,当刺激电流为3 mA时,潜伏期和振幅分别为N1波12.9 ms/19.1μV,P1波23.6 ms/27.0μV,N2波41.7 ms/15.1μV。给药后1 h OEPs变化无显著性;3~6h后OEPs出现变化,表现为N1波或N1、N2波消失,其潜伏期明显延长及振幅变小;以上改变在给药后24h更加显著。结论腹腔注射3-甲基吲哚可建立SD大鼠急性嗅觉障碍的模型,该模型操作简单且重复性好。 OBJECTIVE To develop an animal model of chemical induced olfactory dysfunction and to investigate the characteristics of electrically stimulated olfactory evoked potentials(OEPs).METHODS The animal model was set up by intraperitoneal injection of 300mg/kg 3-methylindole(3-MI).The changes of OEPs in SD rats were observed at 1 hour,3-6 hours and 24 hours after intraperitoneal administration of 3-MI.RESULTS Triphasic waves(negative- positive- negative),named N1,P1,N2 respectively,were recorded.The latencies and amplitudes of N1,P1,N2 were 12.9 ms/19.1 μV,23.6 ms/27.0 μV and 41.7 ms/15.1 μV.After administration of 3-MI 1 hour,the changes of OEPs were not significant.After 3 hours,the OEPs changed as N1 vanished,or N1 and N2 both vanished.The latency was extended obviously and the amplitude decreased significantly.The changes were more obviously after 24 hours.CONCLUSION Intraperitoneal injection of 3-MI could establish an animal model of acute olfactory dysfunction.It was a simple and reproducible method.
出处 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 CSCD 2014年第4期209-212,共4页 Chinese Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
基金 国家自然科学基金(21272018)和国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(91213305)联合资助
关键词 嗅觉障碍 诱发电位 粪臭素 Olfaction Disorders Evoked Potentials Skatole
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