
可视化移动输液监控平台的实现 被引量:3

The Realization of Visualization of Mobile Infusion Monitoring Platform
摘要 目的:通过对医院输液业务流程目前状况的了解,依据已有的条码、移动设备、无线网络等技术改变输液落后的现状。方法:通过对可视化输液监控业务流程的深入研宄,寻求一种新的技术组合,解决门诊输液过程中杂乱无章及手工差错的问题。结果:通过对重力感应设备的尝试,实现医疗智能监控信息的自动采集,实现被动服务模式向主动服务模式的改变。结论:通过对可视化移动输液监控平台的设计及实现,减少医疗事故,提高服务品质,减轻工作者的工作强度,有效考核其工作量,提升医院整体综合能力及形象。 Objective: To present situation of transfusion in a hospital business process understanding, on the basis of the existing code, mobile device, wireless network technology to change the backward situation of infusion. Method: Through a deep research on visualization of infusion monitoring business processes, to seek a kind of new technology to solve combination, be manual errors and problems in the process of outpatient infusion. Results: By trying to gravity sensing device, to realize the automatic acquisition intelligent monitoring information of medical service mode, the passive to active service mode changes. Conclusion: Through the design and implementation of visualization of mobile monitoring platform, reduce medical accidents, improve service quality, and reduce the work intensity of workcrs, effective assessment the workload, and the image of the whole hospital comprehensive ability.
作者 李峰 汪鹏
出处 《中国数字医学》 2014年第7期61-63,共3页 China Digital Medicine
基金 重庆市科技攻关计划项目-移动医疗关键技术与集成示范(编号:CSTC2012gg-yyjsB10006)~~
关键词 移动设备 条码 无线网络 输液监控平台 mobile device, bar code, wireless network, infusion monitoring platform
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