目的探讨通过提高护患沟通技巧,实现护士与脑卒中患者的有效沟通,从而提高护士在脑卒中防治工作中的服务能力。方法结合脑卒中患者的心理特征,护士遵守沟通原则,运用多种沟通技巧,把"以病人为中心"作为沟通的指导思想,通过塑造温馨的护士形象、赢得患者的信任、换位思考、提高语言沟通能力以及注重非语言沟通技巧等方法 ,加强与脑卒中患者的有效沟通。结果护士掌握了沟通技巧,有助于与脑卒中患者的有效沟通,提高了护理工作的质量。结论提高护患沟通技巧是护理工作中的重要内容,有利于建设和谐的护患关系,提高护理工作质量,在脑卒中防治中起到积极作用。
Objective Explore the way by enhancing the skill of communication between nurses and patients to realize effective communication between cerebral apoplexy patients and nurses, in order to improve nurses' service ability in prevention and cure of cerebral apoplexy. Methods In the communication between nurses and patients, nurses should comply to the principle of communication, According to the psychological characteristic of cerebral apoplexy patients, to utilize multiple communication skills, to take patients as the central part, to win the trust from patients by setting up warm and kind figure of nurses and thinking in patients' situation, to improve language communication skill and non- language skill realizing effective communication. Results Service quality of nursing is upgraded because nurses master the effective communication skill. Conclusions Improving communication skill is a very important part of nursing work, which is benefit for building up harmonious relationship between nurses and patients, improving nursing work quality, taking an active effect in prevention and cure of cerebral apoplexy.
Chinese Journal of Urban and Rural Enterprise Hygiene
communication skill
patients of cerebral apoplexy