
自尊与心理性应激反应的关系:社会认可需求的中介作用 被引量:3

The Relationship between Self-esteem and Psychosocial Stress Response:The Mediating Role of The Need for Social Approval
摘要 国外研究者认为高自尊个体的内控性高,因此其在心理性应激情境中的反应不那么强烈,而国内研究者从集体文化(中国)考虑,则认为高自尊个体的社会认可需求较高,因此在心理性应激情境中的反应更强烈。本研究采用特里尔社会应激测试作为应激情境,采集41名中国大学生被试在这一情境下的客观参数(心率)作为心理性应激反应的指标,通过问卷测量被试的自尊水平、内控性水平和社会认可需求水平,考察自尊影响心理性应激反应的机制。结果发现被试的自尊水平与应激情境下的心率呈正相关,并且社会认可需求在自尊与心理性应激的关系中起着显著的中介作用。本文从文化差异角度提出自尊预测心理性应激反应的模型可能需要在不同文化背景下来分别探讨。 Self-esteem has been found to affect the neuroendocrine cortisol response to stress in different ways. Some researches have suggested that individuals with high self-esteem exhibited significantly stress response than those with low self-esteem. Both individuals' heart rate and their cortisol response were positively related to individuals' level of self-esteem. In addition, researchers also observed that subjects with low self-esteem and low levels of internal locus of control exhibited a significant cortisol response than those with high self-esteem. However, the mechanism between self-esteem and the psychosocial stress response, and the potential mediation effects of social approval and/or locus of control between self-esteem and psychosocial stress have never been explored. This study attempted to examine the relation among self-esteem, locus of control, social approval needs, and psychosocial stress response. Forty one healthy male and female volunteers were recruited in the present study. Participants' heart rate were recorded during they performed the standardized Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Rosenberg self-esteem scale, Internality Scale, and Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale were also measured. Path analyses via structural equation model using Amos 5.0 were conducted to test the potential mediation effect of social approval needs and/ or locus of control in the relationship between self-esteem and psychosocial stress response. Results showed that both participants' subjective stress response and their heart rate elevated after experiencing TSST. Further, heart rate of participants was positively correlated with their self-esteem level when at the prepared stage of TSST. Results from structural equation analyses suggested that social approval needs mediated the relationship between self-esteem and psychosocial stress response. The mediation effect of locus of control was not supported. Interpersonal theories of self-esteem assume that it is not just one' s own judgment of the importance of particular characteristics that contributes to self-esteem but also one' s assumptions regarding the importance that others place on them. The present study explored the correlation between self-esteem and stress response in Chinese and further examined the mediating role for either internal locus of control and/or need for social approval simultaneously. The current research suggest that the mechanism between self-esteem and psychosocial stress response may be different in different cultures.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期435-441,共7页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 西南大学基本科研业务费专项资金(SWU1309105 SWU1009092)
关键词 自尊 心理性应激 社会认可需求 特里尔社会应激测试 self-esteem psyehosocial stress social approval needs Trier Social Stress Test
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