目的通过观察小脑型多系统萎缩患者(MSA-C)的血尿酸水平,探讨MSA-C患者血尿酸水平与病程的关系。方法 2011年6月至2013年4月间在我院神经科病房收治的MSA-C患者21例作为观察组,选取相同时期健康体检的人群22例作为对照组,早晨空腹抽取肘正中静脉血4 ml,测定血尿酸水平,分析血尿酸水平与其病程的相关性。结果 MSA-C患者血尿酸水平[(279.19±71.48)mmol/L]明显低于正常人群的血尿酸水平[(340.96±58.02)mmol/L](P<0.05);MSA-C患者的血尿酸水平与病程无明显相关性(r=0.041,P=0.859)。结论 MSA-C患者可能受氧化应激反应的影响,血尿酸水平明显下降,但血尿酸水平高低与病程无关。
Objective To explore the blood uric acid level in the patients with multiple system atrophy-cerebellar type (MSA-C) and to discover the relationship between blood uric acid level and the course of MSA. Methods Twenty-one patients with MSA-C in the neurological ward of our hospital from June 2011 to April 2013 were enrolled as observation group. Twenty-two healthy people were enrolled as control group in the same period. The fasting bloods were collected from the elbow venous in the morning and the blood uric acid level was detected. The relationship of blood uric acid level with the course of MSA-C was analyzed. Results The blood uric acid level (279. 19±71.48 mmoL/L) of the patients with MSA-C was significantly lower than that of health people (340. 96±58.02 mmoL/L) (P〈0. 05 ). The blood uric acid level was not significantly related with the course of MSA-C (r = 0. 041, P = 0. 859). Conclusions MSA-C may be influenced by oxidative stress and induce the decrease of blood uric acid level, but the blood uric acid level has no relations with the course of MSA-C.
Practical Geriatrics
multiple system atrophy-cerebellar type
uric acid
course of disease