
基于陀螺全站仪的三轴惯性测试转台寻北方案及实验 被引量:11

North finding scheme and experiment for three-axis inertial testing turntable based on gyro total station
摘要 针对惯性测量元件误差参数的标定精度取决于惯性测试转台的基准精度,提出一种基于陀螺全站仪的转台平面镜寻北方法。利用实验室外一级控制点坐标计算陀螺全站仪的仪器常数并求取子午线收敛角,对陀螺全站仪和T3经纬仪进行准直观测修正并测量法线夹角完成转台平面镜法线方向地理方位角的求取,以此实现转台北向基准的建立。采用实验室光纤陀螺惯导系统搭建实验平台并开展多位置敏感地球自转角速度分量的重复性验证实验,结果表明基于陀螺全站仪的转台北向基准测定方法具有较好的可行性与可靠性。 Aiming at the fact that the calibration precision of the inertial measuring element error depends on the benchmark precision of inertial test turntable, a turntable plane mirror north finding method based on gyro total station was proposed. The gyro total station constants and the meridian convergence angle were calculated according to the outside level control point coordinates of the laboratory. The collimating observation correction was performed on the gyro total station and T3 theodolite. Then, the normal direction of geographical azimuth for the turntable plane mirror was calculated with the determination of secondary normal angle, and then the turntable north benchmark was established. The laboratory fiber optic gyro inertial navigation system was used to build the experiment platform for the purpose of certifying the turntable zero repetitive verification. Experiment results show that the turntable north finding method based on gyro total station has good feasibility and reliability.
出处 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期1476-1481,共6页 Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
基金 国家自然科学基金(41304032) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师类)(20132121120005) 辽宁省科技厅博士启动基金(20121084) 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室资助项目(12P01) 第三批应用创新型人才培养立项课题(YB130207)资助项目
关键词 惯性 陀螺全站仪 测试转台 寻北 inertia gyro total station testing turntable north finding
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