[目的]以从广西引进的撑绿杂交竹在重庆市涪陵区栽培试验林为研究对象,观测分析了该竹种是否适宜在重庆市涪陵区引种栽培和最佳管理措施。[方法]从广西引进的撑绿杂交竹在重庆市涪陵区栽培试验林中采用4种追肥方式:对比(常规管理,不施肥)、农家肥、三元复合肥、氮、磷、钾肥分施,每种追肥方式重复3次,每次观测100株,每隔5 d观测记录1次,分别对其出笋时间、出笋量,出(退)笋、成竹等生长情况进行观测。[结果]①该竹种在涪陵地区可正常生长,3年成竹平均高4.6 m,平均地径3.5 cm,平均成竹数4.5条/丛,有望在重庆市涪陵区大力推广发展;②该竹种在涪陵地区造林初植密度为1 110株/hm2,当年发笋,第3年就能郁闭成林,可达12210株/hm2;③该竹种在幼林生长阶段,通过间种可促进竹林生长,提高其生长量和萌芽能力;④该竹种通过不同肥料的追施对比试验表明,氮、磷、钾肥分施产笋量最高。[结论]撑绿杂交竹适宜在重庆市涪陵区引种栽培,且生长良好,采用该研究栽培管理技术措施,能够达到最佳的笋、竹产量。
[Objective] With Bambusa pervariabilis × Dendrocalamopsis daii in Fuling District of Chongqing City introduced from Guangxi Province as the research object,whether it is suitable for planting in Fuling District and the optimum management measures were analyzed.[Method]Four kinds of fertilizer application pattern,including conventional management,no fertilizer,farmyard manure,three element compound fertilizer,nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium fertilization.Each fertilizer application pattern was repeated for 3 times.100 plants were observed each time and recorded every 5 days.The shooting time,amount of bamboo shoots,(back) and bamboo shoots were observed.[Result] The bamboo species in the local area can be normal growth.3 years into the bamboo high average 4.6m.3 years into the bamboo average diameter 3.5 cm.3 years the average number 4.5 per clump of bamboo.It is expected in Fuling District of Chongqing City and vigorously promote the development.(2) The bamboo species in the local area afforestation planting density was 1 110 plants/hm2.The bamboo species in the local area planting bamboo shoot.Third years to forest.The bamboo species in the third local area afforestation years up to 12 210 plants/hm2.(3)The bamboo growth stage in the forest,the species can promote growth.The bamboo to improve the growth and sprouting ability.(4)The bamboo species with different fertilizer topdressing experiment.The bamboo shoot yield is the highest followed by nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium split application.[Conclusion] Bambusa pervariabilis × Dendrocalamopsis daii is suitable for cultivation and growth in Fuling District of Chongqing City.Using the cultivation and management measures in the study could achieve the optimal bamboo yield.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Bambusa pervariabilis × Dendrocalamopsis daii
Cultivating test
Fuling District of Chongqing City