
新的“不沉航母”?——美越战略互动对中国的遏制与威胁 被引量:1

The New "Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier" ?——Containment of and Threat to China due to the Vietnam-US Strategic Interaction
摘要 2014年5月起,中越因石油平台钻探问题引发海上对峙,两国关系急转直下。期间,美国政界和军方的代表团轮番到访越南,为其撑腰打气,导致越南有恃无恐,又加剧了局势的紧张。这意味着越南与美国之间频繁的战略互动终于完全公开化了。自从美国于2009年高调宣布重返亚太以来,越南明显加强了与美国的战略互动,投其所好,积极响应,配合美国的"亚太再平衡"战略,以遏制中国在南海问题上的主权立场与主张;而美国则将越南视为是亚太布局的一个重要支点,企图以与中国有着领海之争的越南来牵制中国,美国则充当幕后推手。 In May 2014, sea confrontation broke up between China and Vietnam over the oil platform issue, causing their relations to deteriorate suddenly. During the issue, US government and military delegations visited Vietnam in order to back it up, which added to Vietnam's arrogance and exacerbated tensions. This means that the strategic interaction between Vietnam and America has finally been made public. Since the US announced return to the Asia-Pacific region in 2009, Vietnam has strengthened its strategic interaction with the US and actively responded to its needs, in order to cooperate with the US "Asia-Pacific rebalancing" strategy and curb China's sovereign stance and claim over the South China Sea issue; and the US sees Vietnam as an important part of its Asia-Pacific strategic deployment and aims to use Vietnam to contain China because it has territorial disputes with China, with itself pulling the strings behind the scenes.
作者 成汉平
出处 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 2014年第13期38-47,73,共11页 Frontiers
基金 2012年国家社科基金(军事类)课题"美国军事战略调整背景下越南 菲律宾与其战略互动 对我影响及对策思考"的部分成果 项目号:12GJ003-006
关键词 海上对峙 越美互动 战略遏制 利益冲突 国家合作 sea confrontation, Vietnam-US interaction, strategic containment, conflict of interest, cooperation between countries
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  • 1Rosemary oot, China in the ASEAN Regional Forum: Organizational Processes and Domestic Modes of Thoughts", ASEAN Survey, Vol XXX.Ⅲ, No.5, May 1995.
  • 2Nayan Chanda, "A Balancing Act by Hanoi U. S. -Vi- etnam", International Herald Tribune, Nov. 11, 2003.
  • 3Michael R. Gordon, "An Upbeat Rumsfeld and Viet- nam Agree to Broaden Ties", New York Times, June 5, 2006.
  • 4A. Cotty & A. Forster, Reshaping Defense Diplomacy: New Roles for Military Co-operation and Assistance, Oxford : Ox- ford University Press, 2004, p. 6.
  • 5Carlylea Thayer, "Vietnam's Defensive Diplomacy", World Street Journal, August 19, 2010.
  • 6U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, "Foreign Military Training and DoD Engagement Activi- ties of Interest", http: //www. state, gov/t/pm/rls/rpt/fmtrpt/.
  • 7U.S. Department of State, " Foreign Military Finan- cing Account Summary", June 23, 2010, http : //www. state. gov/t/pm/ppa/sat/c14560, htm.
  • 8Mark E. Manyin, "U. S. -Vietnam Relations in 2011: Current Issues and Implications for U.S. Policy", May 18, 2012, http: //www. fas. org/sgp/ers/row/R40208, pdf.
  • 9Lewis M. Stern, "National Defense University: Build- ing Strategic Relations with Vietnam", Joint Forces Quarterly, April 2012, http: //www. ndu. edu/press/building -strategic - relations - with - vietnam, html.
  • 10Quadrennial Defense Review Report, 2010, http : // www. defense, gov/qdr/.












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