

Frontcourt Place Kick Attacks Cooperation of Henan Young Women's Football Team
摘要 通过对2013年河南青年女子足球队参加第12届全国运动会13场比赛的统计分析显示:河南青年女足队前场定位球威胁进攻与比赛对手相比进攻次数较多,但射门次数和进球数较少,命中率低;掷界外球进攻次数较多,射门虽少但射进2球,射门命中率最高;前场不同区域的任意球威胁进攻、射门次数较多,但射门命中率较低;角球形成的威胁进攻次数较多,但射门次数明显较少,射门命中率低等。建议丰富任意球、角球和掷界外球进攻配合套路,培养核心队员,提高传球射门的准确度和空中球落点控制的顶抢训练,增强抗干扰能力,为日后安排针对性训练提供参考依据。 The statistical analysis of the 13 games of Henan young women's football team in the 12th na- tional games in 2013 shows that: frontcourt place kick attacks of Henan young women's football team are more compared with opponents but less number of shooting and scoring is less and hit ratio is low. There were more throw-in attacks, shooting was less but scored two goals, shooting hit the highest. Front kicks in different areas threatened attack, shooting a lot, but shot rate is low. Corner formed more threat to attack, but shooting times obvi- ously became less, shooting hit rate is low. Direct shooting is the preferred method for free-kick offense, remote area free-kick offense and corner of the attack was the main way to the far side, near post and the goal line halfway point and the goal posts point penalty capped with shot. The main factors influencing the effect of set-piece attacks are block of goalkeeper, top defender and shot errors. We suggest to enrich the cooperation ways of free-kicks, comers and attacking, cultivate core players, improve the accuracy of passing shot and air ball placement control and en- hance anti-interference ability, so as to provide a reference basis for arranging targeted training in the future.
作者 门文峰
机构地区 河南省体育局
出处 《中州体育(少林与太极)》 2014年第5期55-60,共6页
关键词 河南女子足球 定位球 威胁进攻 Henan women' s football team Set pieces, threat to attack
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