
白炭黑/炭黑复合填充对NR性能的影响 被引量:3

Properties of Silica/CB-Filled Natural Rubber
摘要 在白炭黑和炭黑填料总量一定的情况下,研究了不同白炭黑/炭黑配比对NR性能的影响.结果表明,白炭黑用量增加,NR硫化速率下降,体系中炭黑填料网络被破坏且白炭黑-橡胶间较弱的相互作用也会对NR硫化胶力学性能产生一系列影响.DMA结果表明,加入20~25份白炭黑对提高硫化胶的抗湿滑性和降低滚动阻力最为有效. By keeping the total amount of filler as a constant and modifying silica surface by silane coupling agent, this paper investigates the impacts of silica/CB ratio on properties of the nature rubber(NR).The results show that with the increase of silica, NR vulcanization rate decreases, and the filler network formed by CB is weakened. What' more, the weak silica-rubber interactions also have an significant impact on the mechanical properties of the vulcanizates. Dynamic mechanical properties analyses of the samples show that when the amount of silica is 20 - 25 phr, the vulcanizates have a higher wet skid resistance and a lower rolling resistance.
出处 《世界橡胶工业》 2014年第7期9-13,共5页 World Rubber Industry
关键词 白炭黑 炭黑 NR 力学性能 动态性能 Silica CB Natural Rubber Mechanical Properties Dynamic Performance
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