
开有不同矩形孔缝的电大腔中场分布的统计分析 被引量:2

Statistical analysis of EM field distribution in the electrically large enclosure with different rectangle aperture
摘要 本文研究外部电磁波入射下开孔电大金属腔中的电磁场环境特征.由于电大尺寸带来的巨大计算代价和高频响应敏感性问题,很难通过由全波分析得到的特定条件下的场分布确定性解来评估腔内场环境的普遍规律.因此,本文研究了当矩形腔体上开有不同尺寸矩形孔缝时,腔体内部电场分布的统计规律,并且给出了可对开孔腔体内部电场均值、标准差以及电场值概率密度分布进行快速评估的图表.此外,还发现开孔腔体内电场各个分量概率密度函数与理想混响室中对应量的概率密度函数具有极高的相似性.上述统计规律可作为开孔电大腔体在设计阶段有效的参考依据,并可为相关的电磁兼容分析提供重要的指导. In this paper, the electromagnetic (EM) environment characteristics in the electrically large enclosure with different rectangle aperture under the external EM radiation are discussed. Because of the immense computational cost due to the electrically large size and the sensitivity of the high frequency response, it is difficult to assess the universal rule of the EM field environment in the enclosure according to the deterministic solution of the field distribution obtained by full wave analysis under some certain conditions. Therefore, statistical rules of EM field distribution in the electrically large enclosure with rectangle aperture of different sizes are considered. Some graphic tools that allow a quick reference for the mean and standard deviation of electric field intensity are shown. The PDFs of each electric field component are also given and these curves are highly coincident with the counterpart curves which derived from the ideal reverberant chamber. These obtained results allow a quick estimation of the statistical characteristics of EM environment inside enclosures with different rectangle aperture at the design stage.
出处 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期738-744,共7页 Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2013CB328904) NSAF联合基金(11176017)
关键词 电大腔 矩形孔缝 孔缝耦合 统计分析 Electrically large Enclosure Rectangle apertures Aperture coupling Statistical analysis
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