

Solar street lamp controller based on pertarbation and obvervation method
摘要 为解决太阳能路灯系统能源利用效率低的问题,将最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)方式应用到太阳能路灯控制器中。对最大功率点跟踪原理分析后,提出了MPPT具体控制方法和Buck电路的自举,并以电路仿真软件Multisim和单片机仿真软件Proteus为平台,运用AVR Studio编程,建立了基于ATmega16为核心的控制器。在仿真达到预期控制效果的基础上,进行了实际试验。实验结果显示,用于改变Buck电路开关的PWM占空比与经验值基本符合,该结果表明太阳能电池板能以最大功率方式对蓄电池充电,并且达到了由控制器对蓄电池科学充、放电的目的。 In order to improve the efficiency of solar street lamp system, the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method was applied to its controller. After the analysis of MPPT principle, specific methods to implement MPPT and drive Buck circuit were proposed. Also, by using AVR Studio program and Multisim and Proteus as the platform, a control system based on ATmegal6 was finally built. On the basis of a simulation test that was passed, the experiment was conducted. The results show that the duty cycle of PWM waves is in accordance with the empirical value, which indicates that the solar panel charges the storage battery with maximum power, and the controller charges and discharges the battery in a scientific way.
出处 《机电工程》 CAS 2014年第7期922-927,共6页 Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
关键词 路灯控制器 太阳能 最大功率点跟踪 扰动观测法 Buck电路自举 street lamp controller solar energy maximum power point tracking (MPPT) perturbation and observation method buck circuit drive
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