为摸索贮存环境对三乙酸甘油酯成分变化的影响,模拟了由3种不同的相对湿度和3个不同的温度组合而成的贮存环境,对三乙酸甘油酯分别进行28 d的贮存试验,并对其酸度及酯含量进行分析测试.实验结果表明:1)不同贮存环境下,三乙酸甘油酯酸度与贮存温度呈显著相关,与相对湿度不显著相关.当贮存温度为45℃时,随着时间的推移,酸度以二次曲线的方式迅速增加;当贮存温度为5℃和30℃时,酸度无明显变化.2)不同贮存环境下,三乙酸甘油酯酯含量均值和极值的变化皆不明显(均值极差为0.062%,极值极差为0.17%),且这些变化与贮存环境变化的关联强度系数仅为36.3%,关联强度不大.
In order to explore the influence of storage condition, the simulation lab was established based on three dif-ferent relative humidity and three different temperature. The free acid content and triacetin content were detected re-spectively within 28 days′ experiments. The results showed that: 1)In different environment, the storge temperature was a significant factor affecting the free acid content, while the relative humidity was insignificant. At 45 ℃, as time went on, acidity increased rapidly with quadratic equation;at 5℃and 30 ℃, acidity had no obvious changing. 2)For the triacetin content, the range of mean was 0.062%, the range of extremum was 0.17%. The mean and extremum of the triacetin content didn′t changed significantly. The strength of association between the triacetin content and storage environment was only 36.3%, which revealt that there was slight correlation.
Journal of Nantong University(Natural Science Edition)