
英美大学教师学术身份在“学术资本主义”环境下的建构 被引量:5

Academic Capitalism and the Construction of Academic Identity
摘要 在西方的教育和学术界,执着于传统的学术身份理论的学者看到在"学术资本主义"环境下学术身份的变化而充满浓厚的怀旧、伤感的情绪。而受建构主义影响的学者却强调身份建构过程的动态性和开放性。他们认为学术身份的内容,如职责、权利、道德等等在"学术资本主义"条件下获得了全新的意义和鲜活的内涵,对未来充满了信心和希望。 Researchers hinging on traditional academic identity theories resort to "golden ageism" when examining academic identities vis-a-vis academic capitalism, as many of the traditional ideals are perceived as lost. However, research framed in constructivism maintains that academic identity construction is an ongoing and open process, with academic subjects actively taking the initiative to negotiate and cope with the changing demands and expectations. Therefore, the latter type of research is more likely to reach positive and optimistic conclusions about the conditions of existence of academics in the sweeping changes characterized by "academic capitalism" in US and British universities.
作者 张静宁
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期54-62,共9页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 2013年教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"‘学术资本主义’与教师评价体系:基于中国大学的定性研究"(项目编号:13YJC880107)
关键词 学术资本主义 建构主义 学术身份 Academic capitalism Constructivism Academic identity
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