[目的]探究丁硫克百威在韭菜中的降解情况。[方法]选取基质效应较重的韭菜做本底,采用配C18色谱柱的液质联用仪测定丁硫克百威在0.050、0.200 mg/kg 2种浓度水平下的添加回收率。[结果]丁硫克百威在测定中可转化为克百威和3-羟基克百威,并且在15 d左右基本降解到国家限量值以下。[结论]改进后的液质联用技术具有精密度高、前处理操作简便、稳定性好等优点,满足农药多残留分析要求。
[Objective] The aim was to explore the degradation condition of Carbosulfan in leek.[Method] The leek with high matrix effect was as material,and the fortified recoveries of Carbosulfan at 0.050 and 0.200 mg/kg were determined by HPLC-MS.[Result] Carbosulfan could transform into Carbofuran and 3-Hydroxycarbofuran,and could basically degrade less than national limited value within about 15 days.[Conclusion] The improved HPLC-MS technology had high precision,simple pretreatment and good stability,so it could satisfy the demand of pesticide multi-residue analysis.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences