
消费者低碳意识和政府碳税下低碳技术选择 被引量:14

Low-carbon Technology Choice with Low-carbon Awareness of Consumers and Carbon Tax of Government
摘要 在已有的低碳技术选择研究中,主要讨论碳税等调控策略对技术选择的影响,均未考虑消费者低碳意识对低碳技术选择的影响。首次在考虑消费者低碳意识和政府碳税的情况下,研究制造商的低碳技术选择问题,比较在消费者有无低碳意识两种市场条件下制造商的最优决策差异。通过数值仿真,分析了消费者低碳意识、政府碳税对制造商盈利及其低碳技术选择的影响。结果表明,当消费者低碳意识较强时,采用低碳技术比不采用对制造商更有利;随着政府碳税水平的逐步提高,制造商对于低碳技术将经历一个由不采用到采用又到不采用的过程。 Along with the development of economy, as one of the most important environmental problems, carbon emission has been paid more and more attention for its effects on global climate in recent several decades. Low-carbon has been more and more widely advocated, and low-carbon technologies arise at the right time in recent years. The impact of regulatory instruments such as carbon tax on technology choice is often discussed in previous literatures related to technology choice and low-carbon. This paper studies low-carbon technology choice of the monopoly manufacturer with low-carbon awareness of consumers and the carbon tax policy of government for the first time.
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第15期65-71,共7页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71271225) 重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(cstc2012jjA00036)
关键词 低碳 低碳意识 低碳技术 技术选择 Low-Carbon Low-Carbon Awareness Low-Carbon Technology Technology Choice
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