
双三相感应电动机矢量控制调速系统建模与仿真 被引量:7

Modeling and Simulation of a Vector-Controlled Variable-Speed System for Dual 3-Phase Induction Motor
摘要 双三相感应电动机绕组的电磁耦合性强,在原坐标下的数学模型复杂。根据转子磁场定向进行坐标变换,将电机绕组等效为两套以同步速旋转的正交解耦绕组,推导了在该双正交坐标系下的双三相感应电动机数学模型。应用矢量控制策略,实现电机转速、电流的双闭环控制,进行性能仿真。仿真结果表明,该调速系统对给定量的跟踪性能好,稳态运行时电机的转矩与转速脉动小,适合于双三相感应电动机的控制。 Windings of a dual 3-phase induction motor are strongly coupled both electrically and magnetically, hence, the motor model on the original reference frame is complicated. Reference frame transformation was made based on the rotor field orientation, so that the motor windings were represented by two sets of synchronous-speed perpendicular and decou- pled windings. Further, the motor model on the dual perpendicular reference frames was established, and the vector control was implemented with dual closed-loops of speed and current. The variable-speed operation performance was then simulated, verifying that the system commands can be satisfactorily tracked, whilst the steady-state torque and speed ripples are minor.
作者 张岳 沈建新
机构地区 浙江大学
出处 《微特电机》 北大核心 2014年第7期61-65,共5页 Small & Special Electrical Machines
关键词 双三相感应电动机 矢量控制 解耦 磁场定向 dual 3-phase induction motor vector control decoupling field orientation
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