以青荣城际铁路的虎山隧道进口195.37 m路基为背景,结合设计图纸,分别用普通的CAD断面方法和CASS软件建立DTM三角网拟合计算方量的方法进行计算比较,得出用CASS软件计算土石方的方法简便快捷,并且能高精度地完成方量计算,减少内外业劳动强度。
Taking the background of the 195.37 m embankment of Hushan tunnel entrance of Qingrong intercity railway, combined with design drawings, the common method of CAD section and the method of CASS software used to establish DTM triangulation fitting computation are compared. Then, it is proved that earthwork calculation with CASS software is easy and efficient, and it can realize accurate calculation. Thereby, it can reduce indoor and field labor intensity.
Railway Construction Technology