With the rapid development of image processing technology, the functionality of digital image processing software also has promtoted sharply,even ordinary people can easily distort the image content. Content of an image can no longer be convincing, the nature of reversing the truth of image tampering increases social inequity. and the harm of image tampering becomes increasingly serious. Among the image tampering means, copy and paste is the most common and also the most hidden. Copy and paste tampering of image is mainly divided into the tampering in the same image and in the different images.This paper focus on the copy and paste tampering in the same image.To solve the problem of small range of application and low efficiency of the existing SIFT algorithm that is applied in copy and paste tampering in digital image, a detecting algorithm that is based on circular descriptor operator of CSIFT for the copy and paste tampering of digital image is presented by analyzing the principle of SIFT algorithm . In this algorithm, color invariant gradient direction as the direction feature is used to extend scope of application of algorithm and low -dimensional circular descriptor operator is used as feature matching to low the feature dimensions .A large number of experiments show that the algorithm has better detection quality and detection efficiency compared with the SIFT algorithm.
Netinfo Security
digital image
copy and paste tampering
color invariant
circular descriptor operator