目的:为我国医院门诊药房自动化前期实践的开展提供相关经验和参考。方法:介绍我院药师发药过程中应用迪西特DGT-R-2-004型智能发药系统定位药框信息的体会与经验,全面分析由此带来的门诊药房工作模式的优化以及仍需改进的问题。结果与结论:该系统具有药框定位后移动方便、发药系统工作异常后处理方便等优点,自使用后提高了工作效率,患者取药时间由平均56.3 s缩短为43.9 s,因药框拿错导致的发药差错率由23%降为0,患者满意度由86.2%升至92.8%;同时使药房工作职能更加明确,增加了门诊药房的空间利用率,提升了药剂科及医院的整体形象等。但也还存在药品信息二维条形码辨识度不高、药框嵌入式芯片与药框放置槽内置芯片互相感应不灵敏、专用药框的长宽度与智能药架的高度不能完全满足实际工作需求等问题。该系统的应用提升了我院药房的信息化程度和管理水平。
OBJECTIVE: To provide experience and reference on the previous practice for outpatient pharmacy automation in domestic hospitals. METHODS: The experience of medicine box information positioning by using Dixite DGT-R-2-004 intelligent dispensing system were introduced in out hospital, and the optimization of working mode in outpatient pharmacy was analyzed comprehensively as well as the problems still needed to be improved. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS: The system was characterized with easy to move after positioning, easy to dispose after some strange of the system goings, etc. The system improves the work efficiency, the time for getting the medicine decreased from 56.3 s to 43.9 s; the dispensing error rate caused by taking the wrong medicine box fell to 0 from 23%; satisfactory degree of patient rose to 92.8% from 86.2%. The system cleared and defined the responsibility of pharmacy staff, improved the utilization rate of outpatient pharmacy space and overall image of pharmacy department and hospital, etc. But there were some problems which should be improved in the later stage, such as poor recognition of two-dimensional barcode for drug information; mutual response conditions between medicine box with an embedded chip and placement groove with a built-in chip remains insensitive; length and width of special medicine box frame and height of intelligent medicine cabinet can not fully meet the needs of practical work. The system improved the informationization degree and management of our pharmacy.
China Pharmacy
Outpatient pharmacy
Intelligent dispensing system