Aging is inevitable for everyone concerned, but it's definitely a delay. Person's life, life activities throughout the course of the five, is born, long, strong, old, has been, and kidney essence enriched or not, this process five plays a pivotal role in the process, is decided an important condition for the entire life activities. Determines the longevity and quality of life of people. Activities of human life into the twilight years old, the functional activity of organs increasingly declining, while the most prominent in the kidneys, so in order to slow aging, changing old, has been the quality of life, people can make the end of their natural life span, timely appropriate adjust the function of internal organs, especially Bushentianjing, it is very important. There are virtual kidney yin, yang, qi, essence deficiency, yin too, will inevitably hurt yang, yang too, inevitably Shangyin, not to mention the often appear clinically caused by virtual reality, the actual situation and a series of complex mixed syndromes Therefore, under the basic guidelines to Bushentianjing kidney, taking into account all dirty, do dialectical accurate, reasonable legislative review of yin and yang, observing blood. To clear the physiological function of the kidney is the innate, the foundation of life ; internal organs during aging Individually insufficient kidney is particularly evident ; treatment when anti Bushentianjing lean marrow, longevity consolidate;while modulating to the yin and yang balance, Beware of excessive complement;want in life and in yin and yang, France in astrology, adjusting flavors, moving limbs, Shen summers.
Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine