古陶瓷的年代和产地的研究一直是考古学的重要内容之一。古陶瓷中微量和痕迹的稀土元素在指示古陶瓷原料的产地和年代方面具有决定性的作用。本文用中子活化分析方法研究了江西湖田窑出土的398片不同釉色的古代瓷胎中La,Sm,Ce,Nd,Eu,Tb,Yb和Lu 8种稀土元素的含量并对分析数据进行了处理。分析结果表明:江西湖田窑从五代到明代中期600多年的制瓷工艺和配方,既有连续性,又有创新性;五代、宋代、元和明四个不同历史时期烧制的瓷胎中稀土元素含量有明显的差异,同朝代不同历史时期烧制的瓷胎在轻重稀土的富集上又有所差异。这些差异揭示了其胎料的来源和配方既有同源性,又有差异性。另一方面,瓷胎中稀土元素的含量和差异又体现了江西湖田窑瓷器的年代和产地的特征。
The ages and provenances of ancient ceramics are the most important questions that the archaeologists are trying to answer. The concentrations of REEs play a crucial role in the indicating the sources of the raw materials of ancient ceramics. In this paper,we reported the results of the concentration of element La,Sm,Ce,Nd,Eu,Tb,Yb,Lu in 398 pieces of ancient porcelain with different colors glaze in Hutian kiln by INAA( Instrument Neutron Active Analysis). The results showed that the technologies of making porcelain and its formulas were keeping continuous and creative in more than 600 years in Hutian kiln. It showed the obvious difference of the concentrations of REEs in Five Dynasty,Song Dynasty,Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty. In the same time,it also showed the difference of concentrations of heavy REEs and light REEs in different periods in one dynasty. The results discovered that the raw materials and formulas of porcelain bodies have both origin and differences. On the other hand,the concentrations and its difference of the REEs in porcelain bodies in different dynasties appeared the characteristics of provenance and dynasties of ancient porcelain in Hutian kiln,Jiangxi Province.
Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths