目的 了解北京市流动人口的艾滋病知识掌握情况和安全套使用技能与行为。方法 2010年5—6月,采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法,在北京市朝阳区的建筑工地、餐饮业、宾馆住宿业、娱乐业和集贸市场5类场所中抽取1 498名16-69岁的流动人口,利用调查问卷和模具演示的方式进行艾滋病知识和安全套使用技能与行为调查。结果 北京市流动人口艾滋病知识知晓率为65.98%(987/1 498);“感染艾滋病病毒的人不能从外表看出来”和“蚊虫叮咬不会传播艾滋病”的知晓率较低,分别为72.03%(1 079/1 498)和72.90%(1 092/1 498)。85.65%(1 283/1 498)的流动人口有过性行为,其中,每次均使用安全套的比例为14.89%(191/1 283)。能够基本正确演示安全套使用方法者占26.04%(390/1 498),仅39.32%(589/1 498)的流动人口能够“分清安全套的内外,卷边要朝外,并捏住安全套顶端挤出空气”。多因素分析结果显示,年龄、受教育程度、是否知晓艾滋病知识、能否正确演示安全套使用方法是安全套使用的影响因素。结论 流动人口发生不安全性行为的风险较高,需要继续加强艾滋病知识的普及和安全套使用技能与行为的干预。
Objective To investigate the knowledge about AIDS and the ability and behavior of condom use among migrant populations in Beijing city. Methods Between May and June 2010, stratified multi-stage random cluster sampling was used to select 1498 migrant persons aged 16 - 69 years from construction companies,restaurants, hotels, entertainment places, and pedlars' markets in Chaoyang district of Beijing city. Data were collected through a test for behavior of condom use and a self-designed questionnaire about demographic characteristics, AIDS-related knowledge and frequency of condom use. Results The AIDS awareness rate of the participants was 65.98 % (987/1 496 ). Among the participants ,72.03% (1 079/1 498)knew that the person who was infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) could not be recognized from the appearance and 72. 90% ( 1 092/1 498 ) knew that mosquito bites could not transmit HIV. The ratio of the participants having sexual intercourse was 85.65% ( 1 283/1 498 ), among whom only 191 used condom every time during sexual intercourse. Only 26. 04% (390/1 498)of the participants could use condom correctly, and 39. 32% (589/1 498)could properly clarify that the rolled-up ridge of the condom needed to be on the outside and holding correctly the bulb at the end of condom to make sure there was no air trapped inside. Logistic regression analyses showed that the influencing factors of condom use included age ,education level ,AIDS awareness ,and the ability of condom use. Condusion Migrant populations in Beijing city have a high risk to take unsafe sexual intercourse and more health interventions are needed to enhance the awareness of AIDS and the ability of condom use.
Chinese Journal of Public Health