
EPO对氟尿嘧啶诱导大鼠糖代谢异常的影响 被引量:1

摘要 目的观察促红细胞生成素(EPO)对氟尿嘧啶(FU)化疗大鼠血糖及胰岛素分泌的影响。方法正常Wistar大鼠40只,随机分为FU+生理盐水(FU+NS)组、EPO+NS组、FU+EPO组及NS组4组,采用口服糖耐量实验,观察各组大鼠血糖、胰岛素分泌的变化。结果 FU+NS组糖负荷0、30、60、120min时血糖值均高于NS组(F=38.1~58.2,q=4.17~4.33,P<0.05);糖负荷后30、60min时胰岛素水平低于NS组(F=16.3、29.9,q=4.33、4.64,P<0.05)。EPO+FU组糖负荷后0、30、60、120min时血糖值低于FU+NS组(q=3.96~4.11,P<0.05);糖负荷后60min时胰岛素水平高于FU+NS组(q=4.61,P<0.05)。结论 FU化疗可引起大鼠糖代谢紊乱,可能与其致胰岛素分泌相对不足有关;应用EPO可通过调节胰岛素分泌,改善FU对机体糖代谢的影响。 Objective To investigate the influence of erythropoietin (EPO) on blood glucose and insulin secretion in rats treated with fluorouraeil (FU). Methods Forty normal Wistar rats were evenly randomized to four groups as follows: fluorou- racil (FU) plus normal saline group (FU--NS) ~ FU plus erythropoietin (EPO) group (FU+EPO) ; EPO plus normal saline (NS) group (EPO+NS) ; NS control group (NS). Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was applied to observe the changes of blood sugar and insulin secretion in rats of each group. Results At 0 rain, 30 rain, 60 rain, and 120 rain of OGTT, the levels of blood sugar in FU + NS group were higher than NS group (F = 38.1 -- 58.2, q = 4.17 -- 4.33, P 〈 0.05) ; the insulin levels at 30 rain and 60 rain of OGTT were lower than NS group (F=16.3,29.9;q--4.33,4.64;P〈0.05) ; the blood sugar levels in EPO--FU group were lower than FU+NS group (q=3.96--4.11,P〈0.05) ; insulin levels at 60 rnin of OGTT were higher versus FU^NS group (q=4.61, P〈0.05). Conclusion FU chemotherapy may cause glycoraetabolic disorder in rats, which is probably related with relatively insufficient insulin secretion due to FU. Using erythropoietin to regulate insulin secretion may improve the impact of FU on body glycometabolisra.
出处 《齐鲁医学杂志》 2014年第4期293-294,298,共3页 Medical Journal of Qilu
关键词 促红细胞生成素 氟尿嘧啶 血糖 胰岛素 erythropoietin fluorouracil blood glucose insulin
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