2014年5月16日,福伊特驱动技术系统(上海)有限公司在上海举行新品上市发布会,发布了全新的国产化卡车缓速器—VR115CT。其中,CT是China Truck的简写,意味着这是一款专为中国卡车市场设计的产品,而福伊特的目标是将液力缓速器应用到更多的国产卡车上,为中国的卡车驾驶员提供更多安全保障。
May 16, 2014, Voith Turbo Power Transmission (Shanghai) Co., Ltd held in Shanghai the new product presentation, during which the company officially launched its localized retard product-VR115CT. This new hydraulic retarder was specially designed and developed for Chinese trucks with complete consideration of operational condition of heavy-duty truck in China, plus some tailored technological improvement. Voith expected to take quite a market share by this product.
Commercial Vehicle