康迪泰克空气弹簧系统中国区总经理谭贝克(Axel Terbeck)是2013年9月从欧洲市场调任中国的。来中国前,他已经在康迪泰克连续工作了十几年。"我不是康迪泰克新人,但应该算是中国市场新人。”
During Auto China 2014, reporter of 〈Commercial Vehicle〉 magazine interviewed Mr. Axel Terbeck, General Manager of ConfiTech Air-Spring Sysfem China . ContiTech has been always considering China as one of the extremely important markets, and building a long term partnership business relations with local customers through high quality products and localization. And ContiTech's air-spring business has gained a considerable growth in Chinese commercial vehicles section, and their long term goal was to consistently improve the assembly rate of airspring products for maximum benefit for customers.
Commercial Vehicle