近年来,我国汽车销量增长迅速,2013年突破了2 000万辆达到2 199.3万辆。与2005年相比,2013年乘用车销量增长3.5倍,而商用车销量仅增长1.3倍,乘用车销量增势非常明显,拉动了汽车整体销量的一路走高,商用车销量则相对较为平稳。
The author first of all briefly introduced the close relations between macro economy and sales volume of commercial vehicles based on the data collected in the past few years. And then, he provided an overall analysis of the economic development trend in the second half of 2014 after summarizing the macroeconomic condition in the first half of 2014, focusing in detail on the possible impact the overall trends of investment, export and consumption would probably have.
Commercial Vehicle