
多谱段标准镜头光学系统设计及装校 被引量:4

Optical Design and Alignment of Multi-spectrum Standard Lens
摘要 本文设计了一款检测用的多谱段标准镜头,其焦距为180mm、相对孔径D F=13、视场角2ω=6°。该镜头具有波段(400-1000nm)跨度比较宽的特点,并且对每个特定波长的传递函数值都有严格的要求,即在80 lp/mm时均达到0.5以上,且畸变小于2%。设计时运用光学设计软件ZEMAX的多重结构功能,保证了每个特定的波长传递函数都能达到要求。在装校镜头时通过定心仪精调每组镜片与镜筒的同轴度。经过精细的设计及有效的装校,最终产品测试结果表明轴上星点达到非常良好的效果,传递函数全部满足设计要求。 In this paper,a multi-spectrum standard lens is designed for test,with focal length F=180mm,relative ap-erture D F=1 3 , field of view angle 2ω=6°. The lens has the characteristic of wider working waveband (400-1000nm). The MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) of every special wavelength is strict, the spatial frequency of 80lp/mm should be above 0.5. And the distortion is less than 2%. Each specific wavelength MTF can be met the require-ments by using multiple structure of optical design software ZEMAX. The coaxiality of lens and lens cone is ensured by fine adjustment of centrescope. Through the elaborate design and effective alignment, the final product test results show that on axis star is very good,all the MTF meet the design requirements.
出处 《长春理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2014年第3期1-4,共4页 Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 多谱段 标准镜头 传递函数 装校 multi-spectrum standard lens MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) alignment
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