In image retrieval method based on content, the Euclidean distance is the most widely adopted to calculate the color similarity between images. However,the Euclidean distance is not consistent with the features of color recog-nition of human,and the retrieval accuracy is low. In this paper,a retrieval method based on combination features us-ing color difference formula (COLDIST) was proposed.Firstly, color histogram was extracted as color feature, GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix) and GLRLM (Gray Level Run-Length Matrix) were calculated as texture fea-tures, Zernike moment was calculated as shape feature. Then, COLDIST color difference was used to measure similarity of color features which was combined with similarities of texture and shape to get the image similarity. The proposed method was simulatively tested by utilizing Corel10000 database. The results showed that the proposed method was more efficient and had better retrieval performance.
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)