灵芝是中国历史上最著名的保健、药用真菌。灵芝的药用价值最早记载于2 000多年前的《神农本草经》,其中记载的"赤芝"就是现在广泛栽培当作保健食品的灵芝。经研究比较赤芝与所有相近种的形态以及核糖体内转录间隔区(ITS)核酸序列,证实赤芝既不是Ganoderma lucidum(亮盖灵芝),也不同于过去发表的所有灵芝种类,因此在2012年被作为新种Ganoderma lingzhi发表。中国南北各地栽培的赤芝证实是相同种类。产于北美的G.curtisii(柯蒂斯灵芝)其亲缘性最接近赤芝。在中国,亲缘性和形态上与赤芝接近的有生长于华南的G.multipileum(重伞灵芝)、G.flexipes(弯柄灵芝)及G.tropicum(热带灵芝)等。
In history of China, Lingzhi is the most famous health and medicinal mushroom. The earliest report about Lingzhi's medicinal value appeared in the medicinal monograph Shennong's Compendium of Material Medica published 2000 years ago, and the recorded "Chizhi" in the book is the currently widely cultivated Ganoderma species in China, used as medicinal food. The analysis of morphologies and nuc-ITS sequences among Lingzhi and related species, showed that the wild and cultivated Lingzhi, is not conspecific with G. lucidum, also does not represent any known Ganoderma species. Consequently it was presented as a Ganoderma new species, G. lingzhi, in 2012. That study also revealed that the widely cultivated Lingzhi in China, all represents the same species. Ganoderma curtisii from North America is the species most closely related to G. lingzhi in affinity. Ganoderma multipileum, G. tropicum and G. flexipes from South China, represent the most closely related Chinese Ganoderma species to G. lingzhi.
Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms
Ganoderma lingzhi
medicinal mushroom