
刺五加注射液诱发过敏反应类型的实验研究 被引量:2

Experimental Study on Allergic Reaction Type Induced by Ciwujia Injection
摘要 目的:判断刺五加注射液的过敏反应类型,寻找防治刺五加注射液不良反应的途径和方法。方法:豚鼠致敏后,通过测定总IgE、IL-4、IFN-γ水平、嗜酸性粒细胞的数量,同时对各组致敏后豚鼠经抗原激发后的肺组织进行病理切片检查,对刺五加注射液致过敏反应类型进行判断。结果:批号为20100702的刺五加注射液高剂量组可引起致敏豚鼠血清中总IgE、IL-4水平升高、IFN-γ水平降低,批号为20100702的刺五加注射液高剂量组豚鼠肺部出现肺泡壁毛细血管扩张充血,肺泡腔内有少量液体渗出,细支气管腔内有炎性渗出物,其周围可见淋巴细胞浸润等轻微病变;而生理盐水组肺泡壁毛细血管无明显充血,肺泡腔内无液体渗出。结论:某些批号的刺五加注射液可引起实验动物的I型过敏反应。 Objective:To determine the type of allergic reaction of Ciwujia injection , on the basis of founding a method of screening allergens , and to find ways and methods for prevention and treatment of adverse reactions . Methods:Total IgE,IL-4, FN-γlevel and the number of eosinophils were determined after antigen chal-lenge , at the same time in each group of sensitized guinea pigs after antigen challenge , pathological of lung tis-sue was examined , in order to determine the type of allergic reaction of Ciwujia injection .Results: The total IgE, IL-4, FN-γlevel of rats sensitized with No .20100702 of Ciwujia injection in high dose group had a significant difference compared with those in blank group , and Guinea pig lung dilated capillaries in the alveo-lar walls, a small amount of liquid exudation alveolar bronchiole , within the inflammatory exudate , around which there was alymphocytic infiltrate in minimal change; and the saline group had no obvious congestive capillaries in the alveolar walls , alveolar no fluid exudation .Conclusion:I type allergic reaction of the experi-ment animals can be caused by certain batch of Ciwujia injection .
出处 《中医药信息》 2014年第4期95-98,共4页 Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 黑龙江中医药大学校科研基金资助 教育部重点实验室-北药基础与应用研究开放课题基金资助(No.2012bs05) 2014年度黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(No.12541739)
关键词 刺五加注射液 过敏反应类型 实验研究 Ciwujia injection Allergic reaction type Experimental study
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