

Profit Mechanisms and Business Models for Social Networks
摘要 基于社会网络的几种主要盈利机制(广告、增值服务、交易费),受双边市场理论的启发,提出了社会网络的业务模型;针对社交网络的特点,提出了基于双边市场的用户参与的激励模型,以期能更好地激励用户参与社交网络应用。 In this paper, we summarize the main profit generators of social networks: advertising, value-added services, and transaction fees. Inspired by the two-sided market theory, we propose a formal business model for social networking applications. Depending on the characteristic of the social network, we propose an incentive model to motivate users to use social network applications.
机构地区 南京邮电大学
出处 《中兴通讯技术》 2014年第1期38-43,共6页 ZTE Technology Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金(61171092)
关键词 社会网络 双边市场 业务模型 盈利机制 激励机制 social networks two-sided market business model profit mechanism incentive mechanism
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