

Pearl River Delta industry gathering governance main body's change trend
摘要 珠江三角洲的产业集群表现为专业镇的形态,其治理主体为当地镇政府。面对不断增长的挑战,需要培育和发展新的治理主体,这包括核心大企业和行业协会。根据分工网络的特征和产业集群的成因,珠江三角洲的产业集群可以分为四种类型,它们有不同的核心企业,也有不同的升级路径。行业协会在推进行业协调与治理及为企业提供多方面服务方面可以发挥重要作用,行业协会功能的发挥仍需一个培育过程。 The industry clusters of Pearl River delta take on as Specialized Town Economy which governor is the local township government. Facing the increasing challenges, the industry clusters need new governor, the large core enterprise can be efficient governor. and Industry associations Based on the characters of division network and the shaping cause of the industry clusters, the industry clusters of Pearl River delta includes four types which have different core enterprise and different upgrading path. The Industry associations can exert important function on the industry clusters of Pearl River delta and governing and serving for the enterprise yet its capability is still insufficient and need cultivate.
作者 殷宁宇
出处 《特区经济》 2014年第7期88-90,共3页 Special Zone Economy
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"新型城市化背景下的产业结构优化升级研究"(批准号:12AZD025)
关键词 珠江三角洲 产业集群治理主体 核心企业 行业协会 Pearl River delta governor of industry clusters core enterprise industry associations
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