

Huizhou Zhongkai new hi-tech industry zone tourism development probing
摘要 惠州仲恺高新区是我国重要的电子信息产业基地,有包括世界500强企业及国内知名企业在内、涉及十多个国家和地区近2000家中外企业在区内投资设厂,开展工业旅游的基础比较好。利用回归模型和百度指数实证研究惠州仲恺高新区工业旅游开发的背景,并从区位条件、资源条件和客源市场条件分析其开发条件,最后从提高对工业旅游的认识、合理设计工业旅游产品、搞好工业旅游规划、设计特色工业旅游线路、精心构思工业旅游主题口号、加大营销宣传力度和社区参与旅游等方面提出仲恺高新区工业旅游开发对策建议。 Huizhou Zhong Kai Hi-tech Zone is an important electronic information industry base, including Fortune 500 companies and domestic well-known enterprises, including involving more than ten countries and regions, nearly 2,000 Chinese and foreign enterprises to invest in factories in the region, to carry out basic industrial tourism better. Regression model and Baidu Index empirical research Huizhou Zhong Kai Hi -tech Zone Industrial tourism development background, and from the geographic conditions, resource conditions and tourist market conditions to analyze the development of the condition, and finally from improved industrial tourism awareness, rational design of industrial tourism products, improve industrial tourism planning, industrial design features tours, well-conceived industrial tourism slogan, proposed to increase the propaganda aspects of marketing and community involvement and tourism Zhongkai High-tech Zone industrial Tourism development suggestions.
作者 李颜
机构地区 惠州学院旅游系
出处 《特区经济》 2014年第7期97-100,共4页 Special Zone Economy
基金 惠州学院教博启动项目(编号:C511.0112)
关键词 仲恺高新区 工业旅游 开发 惠州 Zhong Kai Hi-tech Zone industrial tourism development Huizhou
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