
1种简易电去离子装置的建立及对含Cu^(2+)废水的处理 被引量:1

摘要 基于自制板柱结构电去离子装置,探讨了浓水室填充离子交换材料(树脂、离子交换织物)处理低Cu2+含量废水的效果。经过100h运行结果发现,在浓水室中填充离子交换材料能够促进离子迁移,提高电去离子能力和出水水质,同时可缓解阴离子交换膜浓室侧表面的沉淀现象;更长时间运行后也发现,阴离子交换膜和树脂的季铵盐基团转变为叔胺基团,催化水解反应,加剧了离子交换膜和树脂表面沉淀结垢,使电去离子效果恶化。 Copper ions(II) removal operation was carried out by using a home-made electrodeionization (EDI) device with different ion exchange materials (ion exchange resin, ion exchange fabric) being filled in the concentrated chambers. After 100 h operation, it was found that the copper ions (Ⅱ) transport was enhanced, the quality of diluent exit water was improved, and the formation and precipitation of copper oxide on the surface of anion exchange membrane were restrained to ,some extent. It was also found that after a prolonged operation, the quaternary amine groups in the anion exchange membranes and resins were converted to tertiary amine groups under the strong electric field of EDI system. The resultant groups on anion exchange membrane and resin surfaces could intensify hydrolysis via catalysis mechanism, the formation of copper oxide on the membrane surface was triggered, and consequently deteriorating the deionization performance of EDI system.
出处 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期97-102,共6页 Technology of Water Treatment
基金 江苏省环保厅基金(2012009) 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程PAPD基金
关键词 电去离子 金属离子废水 离子交换织物 离子交换树脂 沉淀 electrodeionization metal ions wastewater ion exchange fabric ion exchange resin precipitation
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