
我国冷冻机组水冷器污垢经济损失的研究 被引量:4

Research on the Fouling Costs of Water Coolers of Refrigerating Units in China
摘要 本文概要地叙述了换热设备污垢对发达国家经济所造成的损失。通过有无自动清洗技术的对比试验和实际测试 ,结合文献统计数据 ,对冷冻机组水冷器污垢引起的效率损失作出评估。在此基础上根据《中国机械工业年鉴》数据 ,从宏观上逐项分析评估水垢造成我国冷冻机组水冷器的设备费、运行水费和运行电费三方面的损失 ,总计达到每年 36亿元以上。因此 。 The paper briefly states the fouling costs of heat transfer equipments in developed countries. The experiments were conducted to compare the operating effect between units with the new self-cleaning online technology developed by the authors and without any self-cleaning technology. The practical tests were done to measure the fouling costs of water coolers in refrigerating units and the economic results by using the new technology. On the bases as above and combined with the statistcal data from China Yearbook of Mechanical Industry,the additional equipment costs,operating costs including water rate and electricity rate are analyzed respectively in detail from the macro point of view. They totaled over $3 6 billion every year. Therefore,it is of great significance to spread widely the application of the new self-cleaning online technology.
出处 《节能技术》 CAS 2002年第4期12-13,16,共3页 Energy Conservation Technology
基金 教育部资助的科学技术研究重点项目 (编号 0 0 2 0 8)
关键词 冷冻机组 水冷器 污垢 经济损失 自动清洗 评估 中国 换热设备 fouling self-cleaning water cooler economics assessment
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