氯碱厂烧碱的蒸发是烧碱生产系统的一个重要环节 ,并且是一个能耗较多的生产过程。本文针对内蒙古某氯碱厂蒸发工艺能耗情况作了较详细的分析 ,并对烧碱蒸发工序进行了一系列节能技术改造 ,使烧碱蒸发能耗明显降低 ,企业经济效益亦明显增加。
In the paper,the caustic soda evaporation is an important link of caustic soda production system,and is a production process that consumes much energy.The saving energy and the lowering consumption is the purpose of this paper,a series of technical transformation is taken in evaporating process,the consumption of energy is obviously lowered,the business enterprise's economic returns are obviously increased.
Energy Conservation