
西方系统系理论初探 被引量:2

A Study on the Western Theory of System of Systems
摘要 系统系是指由独立运行、彼此交互的诸多系统形成的整合网络,以实现单个系统不具备的能力和无法完成的整体目标,甚至全球性目标。系统系是解决复杂问题的新方法。文章介绍了系统系定义、特征及类型,将系统系与系统、系统工程等概念进行了比较,阐述了系统系的社会化趋势。 System of systems is an integrated network structured with many systems which are operated independently but interact with each other ,aiming to achieve certain capacity, or an overall, even global goal that could not be accomplished through a single system. System of systems is anew solution to complex problems. This paper introduced the concept and characteristics and types of system of systems. It then compared system ofsystems with similar concepts such as system and system engineering. Finally , its social tendency is also proposed.
作者 罗建原 罗帆
出处 《当代经济管理》 CSSCI 2014年第4期6-9,共4页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71271163) 武汉理工大学博士后基金项目
关键词 系统系 系统 社会技术系统 复杂性 system of systems system socio-technical system complexity
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