目的观察改良Cho缝合术在前置胎盘孕妇剖宫产术中的临床应用效果。方法观察组62例前置胎盘孕妇在剖宫产术中采用改良Cho缝合术,对照组随机抽取2010年以前采用局部"8"字缝合开放血窦及宫腔纱条填塞压迫法的前置胎盘孕妇62例。结果 62例观察组中,平均手术时间85±22.35 min,术中出血量815.37±279.34 ml,34例输血,占54.84%,输血量800±400 ml,无一例切除子宫。而62例对照组中平均手术时间115±25.51 min,术中出血量1456±317.19ml,53例输血,占85.48%,输血量1200±600 ml,3例中央性前置胎盘产妇行子宫切除术。两组有统计学意义,P<0.01。结论对于前置胎盘的孕妇在剖宫产术中发生子宫下段胎盘附着处出血,采用改良Cho缝合术,大大减少了产妇的出血量,减少了输血的机率及输血量,缩短了手术时间,此方法安全简便,经济有效。
Objective: To observe the clinical application effect of improved Cho suture in cesarean operation of pregnant women with placenta previa. Methods: The 62 cases of pregnant women with placenta previa in the observation group adopts improved Cho suture, and the control group randomly select 62 cases of pregnant women with placenta previa who adopted local 8-shape suture method to suture open blood sinus and uterine cavity sliver packing pressing method. Results Among the 62 cases in the observation group, the average operation time is 85±22.35rain, the intraoperative bleeding amount is 815.37±279.34ml, 34 cases accept blood transfusion, accounting for 54.84%, the transfusion amount is 800±400ml, and no case is hysterectomized; while among the 62 cases in the control group, the average operation time is 115±25.51min, the intraoperative bleeding amount is 1456±317.19ml, 53 cases accept blood transfusion, accounting for 85.48%, the transfusion amount is 1200±600ml, and 3 cases accept hysterectomy for pregnant women with central placenta previa. The two groups are with statistical significance, P〈0.01. Conclusion: In case the pregnant women with placenta previa encounter bleeding at the adherence location of the placenta of lower uterine segment in the cesarean operation, adopting improved Cho suture can greatly reduce the bleeding amount, blood transfusion possibility and amount, and the operation time. The method is safe and convenient, economical and effective.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity