

A study about acceptability of different width between central incisor and the same name tooth
摘要 目的:评价不同人群对于上颌前牙修复体的宽度与同名牙不一致时的可接受度。方法拍摄个别正常者最大微笑照,使用Photoshop CS5软件对所得图片进行局部不同程度的拉伸后,形成中切牙与对侧同名牙宽度不一致的图片。请被调查者查看图片,分别指出发觉有中切牙差异的图片,和可以接受的最大不对称图片,其最小值即为察觉值,最大值即为可接受值。对结果进行统计,并运用χ2检验对结果进行分析。结果共收到138份有效调查,其中口腔专业相关人员49人,非口腔专业相关人员89人。69.4%的口腔专业相关人员可以察觉出0.5 mm的差异,非口腔专业相关人员中只有33.7%的人可发觉此差异。53.1%的口腔专业相关人员可以最大容忍中切牙宽度相差1 mm,而非口腔专业相关人员中,最大可以忍受中切牙宽度差距为1.5 mm者,所占比例居多(32.6%)。25~45岁组比其他年龄组在面对中切牙修复体与同名牙不一致时,具有更大的容忍度(χ2=22.544,P=0.003)。结论口腔专业相关人员比非口腔专业相关人员对宽度差异更敏感。性别、年龄差异在最小察觉值差异无统计学意义。在最大可接受度方面,口腔专业相关人员对中切牙宽度不一致有着更小的容忍度,25~45岁年龄组与其他年龄组相比,具有更大的容忍度。 Objective To evaluate the tolerability of different crowds to different width of the upper anterior teeth .Methods A man who had individual normal occlusion was selected ,and the biggest smile photo was taken .Photoshop CS5 software was used to partially spread the photo and get different width between upper central incisor and the same name teeth ,then volunteers were invited to observe the pictures , and point out the picture with dissymmetric central incisor and the one with the maximal dissymmetric central incisor .The minimum value was the recongnition threshold and the maximum was the acceptable value .The responses were counted and analyzed with χ2 test.Results A total of 138 replies were obtained ,among which 49 were from oral related professionals and 89 from non-professionals .69 .4% of the oral related professionals could detect the difference between 0.5 mm,but only 33.7%of the general population could find the differences .53.1%of oral related professionals could maximum tolerate the central incisor inconsonant width in 1 mm,while in the general population tooth width in 1.5 mm gap could be more tolerable (32.6%).The group of 25~45 years old showed more tolerance than others (χ2 =22.544,P=0.003).Con-clusion Oral related professionals are more sensitive in width difference than ordinary people .Gender and age differences in minimum per-ceived value have no statistical significance .In the maximum acceptable values ,oral related professionals have a smaller tolerance to tooth width that is not consistent ,and 25~45 years old group have greater tolerance than other group .
作者 王可 唐旭炎
出处 《安徽医学》 2014年第4期426-429,共4页 Anhui Medical Journal
关键词 修复 前牙 不对称性 容忍度 Prosthesis Incisor Asymmetry Tolerability
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