目的观察无创呼吸机对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭的治疗效果。方法回顾性分析42例COPD合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者应用无创呼吸机治疗的临床资料(治疗组);并与同期30例常规治疗未使用呼吸支持患者的临床资料(对照组)进行对比分析,比较两组患者治疗前及治疗24小时后动脉血气指标、心率、呼吸频率以及自觉症状的变化。结果治疗组患者的PaO2、PaCO2和pH等动脉血气指标以及心率和呼吸频率在治疗后的24小时均明显改善(P<0.05);对照组患者虽有PaO2的改善,但PaCO2和pH以及临床症状无明显改善。治疗组患者PaCO2和pH的改善程度较对照组更为明显。结论 COPD合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者应用无创呼吸机治疗,能够迅速有地效纠正低氧血症及二氧化碳潴留,改善患者病情。
Objective To investigate the effect of noninvasive mechanical ventilation in the treatment of patients with chronic ob- structive ptilmonaty disease (COPD)complicated with Type Ⅱ respiratory failure. Methods The data of 42 patients with COPD complicated with Type Ⅱrespiratory failure,who were treated using noninvasive respiratory machine apart from conventional treatments,from October 2010 to November 2013 ,were collected and compared with the data of 30 patients who received conventional treatment alone. The clinical responses and changes of blood gas were analyzed. Results Al'ter being ventilated for 24 hours,Pa02 ,PaC02,pH value,HR,and PR were significantly improved in the treatment group than those before treatment. Although Pa02 value was increased compared with that before treatment,PaC0 and pH values,as well as the clinical performance were not improved in the routine treatment group. Moreover,PaC02 and pH value after be- ing ventilated were also significantly improved than those of the control group. Condualon Noninvasive ventilation treatment in patients with COPD complicated with Type Ⅱ respiratory failure is more effective than the conventional treatments.
Anhui Medical Journal