Niccolo Machiavelli is the key figure in the development of republicanism from classics to modern world. He putsforward a series of important republicanism ideas and thoughts, such as the value and feasibility of constitutionalism, theimportance of freedom to the republic, the use of the state power by the rulers, the cultivation of the citizen’s morality etc.,which have become the basis of the foundation of the United States. The soul of the republican constitutionalism of the UnitedStates is freedom. It not only protects the private interests and individual freedom, but also to a certain extent tries to promotecitizenship and leadership with positive and public spirit to keep the relative balance between political freedom and personalfreedom. Humanity and virtue are the two key elements of the constitution of the United States. Through system preferences,namely, separation of powers and federalism, it controls the declination of civic virtue, as well as stimulates the growth of thecivic virtue to better maintain the stability of the republic. The federalists’ republican thoughts retain to some extent the activecitizenship and democracy of the classical republican concept. But it replaces the direct democracy with representativedemocracy. Meanwhile, it incorporates effectively the republican system into the constitutional framework.
Journal of Hengshui University
Niccolo Machiavelli
On Livy
constitution of the Unite States
republican constitution of theUnite States