

Optimization Diesign of Image Processing System Based on POCS-Mallat
摘要 为改进图像处理算法,提升图像信息采集效果,避免图像噪点干扰,使用Mallat算法对图像进行小波处理后再使用POCS算法进行超分辨处理,并设计了残差处理以及效果评估模块对图像处理进行保障。新算法可有效提高图像分辨率以及图像锐度,尤其改善了边缘区域图像分辨率。最后通过DSP平台处理脑CT图进行仿真实验,结果表明新算法具有可行性,处理时间较短,同时也证实了图像处理的稳定性。 POCS algorithm to improve the image processing algorithms to enhance the effect of image information acquisition, to avoid image noise interference, wavelet processing of the image and then use the Mallat algorithm for super-resolution processing, and design protection residuals processing and effects assessment module for image processing. The new algorithm can effectively improve the image resolution and image sharpness, and in particular to improve the image resolutionof the edge region. Handled by the DSP platform brain CT the graph simulation results show that the new algorithm is feasible, the processing time is shorter, but also confirmed the stability of the image processing.
作者 陈艳
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2014年第4期56-58,共3页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
关键词 超分辨处理 MALLAT算法 分辨率 super-resolution processing Mallat algorithm imege resolution
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