
食品科学研究中的利益冲突及其防范机制 被引量:3

Conflict of Interest in Food Science and Its Prevention Mechanism
摘要 伴随着大量食品安全事件的频发和有关转基因食品安全的社会争辩,食品科学研究中的利益冲突日益受到社会的广泛关注。食品科学中的利益冲突有多种表现形式,但集中体现在研究课题设计、研究成果发表和有关决策咨询环节。其危害不仅会污损整个食品科学界的社会形象,危及消费者的身体健康和生命安全,而且会引发公众对科学和产业的不信任,对相关产业的研究与创新造成近乎毁灭性的冲击。可通过加强科学家的科研诚信和社会责任教育、完善成果发表的规范体系和强化决策咨询中的惩戒机制防范科学研究中的利益冲突。 Conflict of interest in food science was increasingly concerned as a lot of incidents of food and social debate on genetically modification food. There are many forms for conflict of interest in food science, but which focus on the steps of research project design, results publishing and decision consultation. Its consequences are that not only destroy the image of food science, endanger health of consumers, but also result in distrust of the public to science and industry, and impact the relative to industries devastatingly. We can prevent conflict of interest in research through strengthening education of scientific integrity and social responsibility for scientists, improving regulation system of results publishing and strengthening measure of punishment and warning.
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第8期81-85,共5页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 关键词 利益冲突 食品科学 研究课题 成果发表 决策咨询 conflict of interest food science research project results publishing decision consultation
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