
核酸检测对降低柳州地区输血病原感染残余风险的评估 被引量:16

Assessment of the reduction residual risk of blood transfusion using nucleic acid detection in Liuzhou area
摘要 目的评估NAT检测对ELISA检测合格血液输血残余风险减少程度。方法标本用ELISA和NAT平行检测,用风险评估数学模型分别计算输血残余风险,并计算NAT检测后血液输血残余风险减少程度。结果 2012年10月-2013年10月检测标本41 855人份,其中首次献血20 090人份,重复献血21 765人份,经评估ELISA检测后HBV、HCV、HIV的残余风险分别为:1∶1717、1∶11 862、1∶32 605,采用NAT检测后HBV、HCV、HIV的残余风险分别为1∶4 047、1∶82372、1∶97 561,NAT检测后血液输血传染HBV、HCV、HIV残余风险减少程度分别为57.58%、85.60%、66.58%。结论 ELISA检测后输血残余风险仍然较大,NAT检测可大幅减少输血残余风险。 Objective To investigate the residual risk of blood transfusion transmitted virus infection ( HBV, HCV, and HIV) after ELISA detection and NAT detection of Liuzhou area unpaid-donor bloods, assess the reduction level of blood transfusion residual risk using NAT detection for ELISA detection qualified bloods. Methods Specimens were detected by ELISA and NAT parallel, and calculate respectively the residual risks of blood transfusion by mathematical model of risk assessment,and calculate the reduction level of blood transfusion residual risk applied NAT detection. Results 41 855 specimens source 2012. 10 - 2013. 10 which covers 20 090 first blood donors and 21 765 repeat blood donors, after assessment, the residual risk for HBV, HCV, HIV after ELISA detection was respectively: 1 : 1717,1 : 11,862,1 : 32605, the residual risk for HBV,HCV,HIV after NAT testing respectively 1:4,047,1:82,372, 1:97,561 ,the reduction level of residual risk of blood transfusion transmitted HBV, HCV, HIV after NAT testing respectively 57.58% ,85.60% ,66. 58%. Conclusion The residual risks of blood transfusion remain large after ELISA detection, NAT detection can significantly reduce the residual risk of blood transfusion.
机构地区 广西血液中心
出处 《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期727-729,共3页 Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
基金 广西卫生厅科研课题项目(Z2014069)
关键词 ELISA NAT 输血残余风险 输血安全 ELISA NAT, residual risk of blood transfusion blood transfusion safety
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